Wednesday, April 28, 2010

36 Textures

After applying 3 textures in my developed model:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 isometrics

I have used the last model and developed in Sketchup and Sandbox.

2 images:

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have chosen "The Shadow As Threshold" from slide 17. I am inspired by the underground area and space in the design since most of us seem focus on the area above ground and ignore the underground area. The lighting entered from above ground to the underground level is effective in bringing natural light in and create interesting shadows. It is similar to my concept in designing the laboratories which certain parts of it will be constructed underground. In my design, I will construct a laboratory for Charles Darwin which some parts will be located underground because it may help Darwin to explore the underground living organisms and even the rock to developed his evolution theory.

This will be my developed model.

Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Quotes and 2 Images

Nicole Kuepper:
"I love working with passionate people who want to help address climate change and poverty by thinking and experimenting outside the square."
Deborah Smith, "Thinking Outside the Square Finds Light In Oven," The Sydney Morning Herald, August 20, 2008.

Charles Darwin:
"Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits." (accessed April 18,2010)

Stephen Hawking:
"My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all." (accessed April 18, 2010)

Electroliquid Aggregation:
Charles Darwin / Stephen Hawking

"We were descended from ancestor who was a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits afar, however, man is still the most capable species of understanding how and why the universe exists."

2 images from Crysis:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Something beautiful

What is beautiful? Beautiful artwork does not meant to be huge works which is designed by professionals. It can be that simple shown in this picture which shows the arrangement of those colorful clips. Beauty can be found easily if we try to be more sensitive and keep observing the world around us.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

7 Images + 3 Animations with developed model

Cross section


Goodwin's studio and living room

Stairs connect to skybridge

Piccinini's studio and living room

Stair links to gallery

Piccinini's living room

I have uploaded my tow Sketchup models to 3D warehouse
Here are the links to them:

Draft model (Lash and Ignorant):

Developed model (Scrub and Explore):

Developed model with textures

These are the textures I used in the developed model.

1. Rigid

2. Ductile

3. Smooth

Developed model with above textures:

Materials used above the ground: glass, concrete, wood.

The skywalk of the Goodwin's place is the most special feature of my model. Since it is constructed with concrete which shows a firm and solid structure, I have used the 'rigid' texture to show its strength, at the same time, to draw the attention from the visitor to this special skybridge.

Materials used in the gallery: glass, concrete, tiles.

The tiles with 'ductile' texture on the ground floor could provide a comfortable atmosphere for people who enter the gallery in order to enjoy the artworks from two clients.

Materials used underground: glass, concrete, wood.

This pair of stairs with 'U' shaped and 'n' shaped are the components I want to highlight in the underground section of the model. Both letters 'u' and 'n' have a semicircle arc that coordinates with the texture i have used: smooth.